nature sings | lori woods/poppie cotton

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good morning!

today we have something VERY special. a new collection PLUS we whipped up a project with it already…a twofer…

Nature Sings…we ordered just a handful of this collection…the floral bouquet, daisy, and ginghams in golden yellow, lavender, blue, and pink. It turned into 13 bolts of floral and gingham goodness. Something about it that calls for rainy days so you can snuggle up with a coffee and some stitching. if you follow us on instagram…you know i am all about snuggling up with coffee, stitching, and some sort of snack—if you don’t follow us…next time you are boppin’ around insta please stop by @sweetgirlstudio and say hi!

anyways…take a look at this bundle of Nature Sings…it is truly happiness..

now for the quilt…

Garden Magic…measures 72 x 80 inches.

imagine picnic tables, pastel Tupperware, fruit salad, and popsicles.

the big gingham would make the best napkins!

we quilted it with the daisy for a little whimsy…(love it!).

Nature Sings is available as yardage and fat quarters…here.

Garden Magic has been kitted up if you are looking for a quick project when the spring weather is too cool and rainy to be outside…grab the kit here.

i’ll be back next week Historical Hennas and a new Melany Square is finished…we just need to kit it up.

mom is working on a new super low volume project…lots of white and cream…sprinkles of color…a white background large floral border…if i may be honest…i am SUPER excited. we’ve also *finally* come up with the perfect project for Bloomsville…it has taken WAY too long, but then again you want the perfect project.


we’ll see you next week!


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About the author

Hi! My name is Joan Smith, I’m a travel blogger from the UK and founder of Hevor. In this blog I share my adventures around the world and give you tips about hotels, restaurants, activities and destinations to visit. You can watch my videos or join my group tours that I organize to selected destinations. [Suggestion: You could use the Author Biography Block here]